电源效能星级计划^ PSU Performance Level Plan

PSU Performance Level Plan^We make value even more indisputable

机箱散热星级标准^Chassis heat dissipation level standard

在严苛的测试环境下,采用定制的发热装置模拟高负载下真实CPU和GPU,测试其在机箱内温升表现,藉此来评估该机箱的散热性能,同时考虑机箱在最优散热下的性能及固定噪音(36dBA)时的性能,根据其综合表现给予星级评定。^In a rigorous testing environment, a customized heating device is used to test its temperature rise performance inside the chassis, simulating real CPUs and GPUs under high loads to evaluate the heat dissipation performance of the chassis. At the same time, the performance of the chassis under optimal heat dissipation and fixed noise (36dBA) is considered, and a level rating is given based on its comprehensive performance.

模拟CPU温升与模拟GPU温升,最优散热性能与固定噪音散热性能,在统计时权重比均为2:1,一共划分为五个星级。^Simulating CPU temperature rise and GPU temperature rise, optimal heat dissipation performance and fixed noise heat dissipation performance, with a weight ratio of 2:1 in statistics.

最近更新^What's new

最新加入电源效能星级计划(PPLP)的成员:^The following are the latest PSUs that have joined PPLP:

    变更申明:^Change Statement:

      各品牌星级电源^Performance level PSUs of each brand

      我们做什么^Who We Are

      我们累计测试了超过500款电源,为它们提供了可靠的数据分析、产品分析和建设性建议,助益良多。现在,我们通过一系列电源效能星级计划 ( PPLP), 助力坚守品质、追求卓越的电源产品赢得市场的尊重与消费者的信赖。^We have tested over 500 PSUs, providing them with reliable data analysis, product analysis, and constructive suggestions. Now, we have passed PSU performance Level plan ( PPLP) to make excellent and highly reliable power stand out and occupy a leading position in the market, enable more consumers to trust.

      我们深耕PC硬件测试十余载,积累了丰厚的行业资源与媒体运作经验,拥有专业的测试团队、先进可靠的测试设备和完善的测试环境。^We have been working on PC hardware testing for over ten years, possessing rich industry resources and media experience, as well as a professional team and testing equipment and environment.

      电源效能星级^PSU Performance Level

      严格测试电源的负载性能、静态纹波、标准动态、+5V待机电压/效率/输入功率、开关机时序等效能,并进行分级评估。^Strictly test the load performance, static ripple, standard dynamic,+5V standby voltage/efficiency/input power, and power on/off timing of the power supply, and conduct level rating based on performance.

      ATX 3星级^ATX 3 Level

      市场回归理性,真ATX 3电源破雾而出,ATX 3星级评估是产品实力的标签。^The market is returning to rationality, and the true ATX 3 power supply has emerged, ATX 3 level rating is a label for product strength.

      电源静音星级^PSU Silent Level

      在消音实验室中,获得电源整个工作范围内的风扇转速和噪声值,并对电源的静音水平进行分级评估。^In the anechoic chamber, obtain the fan speed and noise value throughout the complete working range of the power supply, and rate the noise level of the power supply.

      构建质量星级^Building Quality Level

      拥有优质材料、工艺和电缆的电源将有较好的构建质量星级。^The power supply equipped with excellent materials, workmanship, and cables will have a better building quality level.

      我们怎么做^What we do

      面对激烈的竞争,产品需要更多细节上的准备。我们严格测试电源,提供详细的分析报告,包括各种标准测试,以及静音性能和ATX 3项目上的表现。^Faced with fierce competition, our products require more detailed preparation. We rigorously test the power supply and provide detailed analysis reports, including various routine tests, as well as noise performance and ATX 3 performance.

      我们的测试综合考量消费者体验、工程师开发需求等多种因素,从多种方案上精炼而来,每个瓦数都对应固定的电流加载方式,所有电源都是相同测试条件,可以进行不同产品间的对比。^Our testing comprehensively considers various factors such as consumer experience and engineer development needs, and is refined from multiple solutions. Each wattage corresponds to a fixed current loading method, and all PSUs have the same testing conditions, allowing for comparison between different products.

      在600W之前,以每50W为一个档次,+5V与+3.3V从输出1A提升至输出12A,剩余功率由+12V补足,模拟不同级别平台的负载表现。600W后,仅增加+12V功率,因为在实际平台中,更高的功率需求主要来自于+12V的CPU和显卡。因此我们的测试,既能展现电源在各个功率下的性能,也接近实际应用的需求,更有参考价值。^Before 600W, with every 50W as a level, the output of +5V and +3.3V increased from 1A to 12A, and the remaining power was supplemented by +12V to simulate the load performance of different levels of platforms. After 600W, only +12V power will be increased because in actual platforms, higher power requirements mainly come from +12V CPU and VGA. Therefore, our testing can not only demonstrate the performance of the PSU at various levels, but also meet the requirements of practical applications, and has more reference value.

      星级电源的光环不仅源自初露锋芒时的辉煌,更在于年复一年对品质的坚守,每年一次的复检,能确保它们经得起时间的洗礼,深化与消费者的信赖纽带。^The halo of star rated power supplies not only stems from their initial glory, but also from their commitment to quality. The annual re inspection ensures that they can withstand the baptism of time.

      标准动态测试^Dynamic Load Testing

      - 输入电压为115V@60Hz与230V@50Hz
      - 动态频率为50%占空比,50Hz/10kHz
      - +5V/+3.3V/+12V常规动态测试^- Input Voltage 115V@60Hz & 230V@50Hz
      - Testing Duty Cycle 50%, Frequency 50Hz/10KHz
      - For +5V/+3.3V/+12V Dynamic Testing

      整机动态测试^Peak Power Dynamic Testing

      - 整机120%、160%、180%、200%动态超载
      - 选做235%动态超载^- Peak Power Excursion 120% 160% 180% 200%
      - Choice Testing for Peak Power Excursion 235%

      12VHPWR/12V-2x6动态测试^Peak Power Testing for 12VHPWR/12V-2x6

      - 12VHPWR/12V-2x6接口300%动态超载^- Peak Power Excursion 300% for 12VHPWR/12V-2x6

      2%负载效率测试^2% Load Efficiency

      - 要求115V@60Hz与230V@50Hz均符合
      不低于60%效率的要求^- Input Voltage 115V@60Hz & 230V@50Hz, 2% Load Efficiency ≥ 60%

      静音测试^Silent Testing

      - 消音室内各负载下的噪音值
      - 根据不同负载分级评定^- Noise values under All Loads in the anechoic chamber
      - Assessment according to different load levels

      各类标准测试^Various Standard Tests

      - 均衡负载、交叉负载、静态纹波测试
      - 开关机时序、热机/+5V待机测试、保护功能^- Load/Cross Regulation Test、Ripple and Noise Test
      - Power On Timing、Warm up Testing、+5VSb Testing、 Output Protection

      PPLP电源效能星级标准^PPLP Standard

      电源效能星级^PSU Performance Level

      根据电源的性能和效率表现,符合标准的将得到相应评级,115V和230V各七个星级。^According to the performance and efficiency of the power supply, it is rated into seven levels.

      ATX 3星级^ATX 3 Level

      根据电源在ATX 3项目中的效能表现,符合ATX 3.1/3.0标准的将得到"ATX 3/ATX 3+ PASS"推荐。^According to the performance of the PSU in the ATX 3 project, Those who meet the ATX 3.1/ATX 3.0 standard will receive recommendations for "ATX 3/ATX 3+ PASS".

      电源静音星级^PSU Silent Level

      在消音实验室中,环境噪音低于10分贝,测试电源全负载范围内的噪音并进行星级评估。^Test the noise under various loads in a anechoic chamber with an environment below 10 decibels and conduct a level evaluation.

      850W以下电源只能参与中负载噪音评估,850W-1200W电源将参与中负载和重负载两类噪音评估,1200W及以上电源将参与中负载、重负载、超重载三类噪音评估。^PSU below 850W will participate in the medium load noise assessment, while between 850W-1200W will participate in the medium and heavy load noise assessments. above 1200W will participate in the medium, heavy, and extreme load noise assessments.

      构建质量星级^Building Quality Level

      该评估正筹备中,同时计划参与评估的产品还包括有散热器、机箱、PC风扇等,敬请期待。^It will arrive soon, and there are also rating for fans, heat sinks, chassis, etc. Stay tuned.

      我们的测试设备^Our TESTING EQUIPMENT

      所有效能测试均基于齐全的Chroma仪器进行^All tests are performed using fully-equipped Chroma stations

      风洞可以准确测量电源风扇的动力性能,消音实验室用于评估PSU的静音水平。^The wind tunnel can accurately measure the dynamic performance of the power supply fan, and the anechoic chamber is used to evaluate the noise level of the PSU.

      Chroma 8000 Chroma

      Chroma 6560 Chroma

      Tektronix TCPA400 Tektronix

      Tektronix MDO3054 Tektronix

      风 洞^Wind Tunnel 自 研^Self-developed

      消音实验室^anechoic chamber Self-restraint

      我们的伙伴^Our partner

      按字母排序^Alphabetically sort

      与PPLP Lab的合作为我们带来了卓越的机遇,他们提供高质量的硬件评估,并在电源产品领域提供专业的测试。借助他们的专业测试结果,MSI得以打造更稳定、更卓越的电源产品。PPLP是我们尊重的合作伙伴,他们的测试报告为MSI的产品设计提供了重要的信息和帮助。^Our collaboration with PPLP Lab has brought us exceptional opportunities. They provide high-quality hardware component evaluation and offer professional testing programs in the power supply domain. Leveraging their expert test results, MSI has been able to develop power supplies that are more stable and superior. PPLP is a respected partner for us, and their testing reports provide invaluable information and assistance for MSI's product design.

      James Yeh RD VP , MSI

      电源供应器不单提供电力输出,更关乎整套系统的稳定与安全。随著Intel规范推陈出新,消费者已不再满足于传统的效率测试,逐步由效率转向对于效能的追求!振华很荣幸受邀参与PPLP计划,乐见市面上有新的标准,为电源产业打假除弊。^Power supply units not only provide electrical output, but also play a critical role in ensuring the stability and safety of the entire system. With Intel continuously updating its specifications, consumers are no longer satisfied with traditional efficiency tests and are increasingly shifting their focus towards performance. Super Flower is honored to have been invited to participate in the PPLP and is delighted to see new standards emerging in the market that aim to combat counterfeiting and eliminate malpractices within the power supply industry.

      Eric Tsai 总裁 , 振华^President , Super Flower

      在星辰大海的征程里,每一颗跃动的心都怀揣着绿色未来的梦想,这支深耕PC硬件测试的团队,继续策马扬鞭,他们的PPLP电源效能星级计划,不但能弘扬品牌知名度,提升产品竞争力,更能引领每一位消费者走向更加绿色、高效的选择。^In the journey amidst the stars and the vast seas, every beating heart nurtures a dream of a green future. This team, dedicated to the in-depth testing of PC hardware, presses on with unwavering momentum. Their PPLP (PSU Performance Level Plan) not only enhances brand recognition and bolsters product competitiveness but also guides each consumer towards greener and more efficient choices.

      林穗明^Lin Suiming 首席执行官 , 超能网^CEO , EXPREVIEW
      星级评价有效期至 点击即关闭
      ^ This level evaluation is valid until Click to close

      PPLP数据库^PPLP Database

      联系我们^Keep In Touch

      请随时与我们联系^Feel free to contact us for any
      project idea or collaboration

      前行纪要^Key Milestone

        1. PPLP正式启航^PPLP is online

          初夏微风,我们轻轻推开了世界的窗。今天,是PPLP启航的坐标!PPLP及同行者,不仅为产品竞争力筑基添瓦,也为工程师与消费者构筑通衢,期待成为您信赖的朋友。^In the early summer breeze, we gently pushed open the window of the world. Today is the coordinates for PPLP to set sail! PPLP and its competitors not only add bricks to the foundation of product competitiveness, but also build a gateway for engineers and consumers. We look forward to becoming your trusted friends.

        2. 在线测试报告上线^Online testing report release!

          更方便浏览的在线测试报告发布,未来将与PDF格式的测试报告同时存在。^More convenient online test report publishing, which will coexist with PDF format test reports in the future.

        3. 增加数据比较功能^Add data comparison function

          PPLP数据库增加了数据对比功能,可同时对比三款产品的测试结果,便于更多的了解相关产品。^The PPLP database has added a data comparison function, which can simultaneously compare the test results of three products, facilitating a better understanding of related products.

        4. 电源静音评估标准上线^The standard for PSU noise has been launched

          在环境噪音低于10分贝的消音实验室中,测试电源全负载范围内的噪音并进行星级评估,三类负载模式下按静音表现分为五个星级。^In a anechoic chamber with environmental noise levels below 10 decibels, the noise within the full load range of PSU is tested and evaluated for star level. Under three types of load modes, the noise reduction performance is divided into five levels.

        5. 电脑功率计算器上线^Power Calculator has been launched

          功率计算器能够根据您选择的配置精确计算所需功率,为选择合适的电源提供可靠参考。^The computer power calculator can accurately calculate the required power based on the configuration you have chosen, providing a reliable reference for selecting the appropriate power supply.